Wearing lashes is becoming more and more popular, and here are many various different types of lashes on the market.
Here are many different eyelashes on the market, and a big question is that how to choose the proper lash type for you, so here is the blog share with the guideline about the type of eyelashes. So do you have any ideas on eyelash types?
OK, let’s go started to point to the different types of eyelashes in the following.
Mink lashes

Mink lashes are the most popular lash type in the lash industry, and mink lashes are made of mink fur. You can click here to get to know what mink lashes are. You will see different lashes and some types of false eyelashes.
Mink lashes can be designed with various different lash styles, you can choose different curls, lengths.
As for the length of the mink lashes, 25mm mink lashes are the ho selling lashes on the market, and most people like to wear 25mm mink lashes to make fluffy and natural eye makeup.
Besides 15mm mink lashes, here are also other lengths for the choices, normal length range is from 10mm to 18mm, and then 20mm, 22mm, also as long as 30mm.
If you want to have much more fluffy eye makeup, you can choose 30mm lashes.
PS: The fun thing is that here is also 60mm mink lashes, looking soooo dramtic and amazing! That’s sooooo crazy to wear the 60mm mink lashes, and who knows? Maybe much longer than 60mm, up to 75mm, haha.

You can know that the mink eyelashes are the most common lashes in the lash field, and mink lashes are booming on the social media, you can see hundreds and thousands of the hastags about “mink lashes” on Instagram. More and more internet celerbrities, influencers, and makeup artists like to share the post on mink lashes.
So it’s entirely right to wear mink lashes, mink lashes with special and unique texture are much natural like the real hair compared with the plastic lashes.
Synthetic lashes

Different from mink lashes, synthetic lashes are made of polished, acrylic material, with a little shinier or glossier than mink lashes.
Synthetic lashes are the most common type of false eyelashes, which are made from plastic man-made fibers.
The lashes tend to be a lot thicker in comparison to the natural human lash, and the texture of the synthetic lashes is soft and smooth.
You can get the difference between mink lashes and synthetic lashes here.
Faux lashes

Our faux lashes are similar to the mink lashes, also faux mink lashes. Like the mink lashes, faux mink lashes have many different styles too, and you can choose different curls, different lengths, different thickness.
And faux mink lashes are much cheaper compared with luxury mink lashes, if you want to have the simulated mink lashes, faux mink lashes are really good options for you.
You can start your lash business with the very beginning of the faux mink lashes, and you can see the texture and apperance of faux lashes are much closer to the mink lashes.
What’s more, faux lashes also have good three-dimensional effect, if you want to have to wear the lashes with 3D effect, please try them without any hesitant.
Silk lashes

100% silk lashes, cool lashes too, and they are a synthetic-based silk fibre, and material of the silk lashes is totally different from mink lashes.
Silk lashes are much softer compared with other types of mink lashes, but without a good 3D effect. You can choose the silk lashes for your daily makeup, and silk lashes are the cheapest lashes here on the market, and you can apply the silk lashes for one-time use.
It’s little hard to keep silk lashes good in shape and curl, so you can throw the silk lashes into the trash can after you using.
But also you can choose silk lashes to help you practice your makeup skills, and silk lashes are really friendly for the makeup starters, and you can choose the lashes with the top-rated synthetic fiber for your silk lashes too. In a word, silk lashes are much lightweight, more natural-looking because of the soft silk material.
Individual lashes

Individual lashes are also called lash extensions, fanning lashes and etc. I know that lash extension are widely used in a beauty salon. And here are various types of eyelash extensions for you to choose too.
Eyelash extensions are semipermanent lashes that are hand-glued on top of your natural lashes, here are many lash extension artists, experts, and lash stylists owning their own Lash Boutique in NYC.
Lash extension can be glued on individually, unlike strip lashes, mink lashes they’re super customizable and actually look much more real. It’s the way to plant the lashes based on your real lashes.
Individual lash extensions are different from lash curls, lengths, and thickness. It’s much more flexible to have lash extensions, and you have make a lash mapping before applying your lashes, and you can choose to fill your lashes to be much more fluffy.
If you want to have natural and fluffy for a long time, you can try the individual lash extensions to achieve this goal.
Colored lashes

Colored lashes are the lashes with various colors, you can wear the colored lashes to take part in many awesome places, such as dancing banquet, theme parties, night dates and many other occassions.
You can use colored lashes to create different stylish makeup, for cosplay, wearing colored lashes is really nice way to match your false hair color. You can create many different styles for your makeup, and it’s a nice way to attract more audience by posting images about before-and-after colored lashes.
Hemp lashes

The plant fiber made from the hemp plant can be used to make various products, including jeans, shirts, hats, bags, ropes because the hemp plant has rich fiber with high strength. Of course, we can make lashes using hemp fibers too.
Hemp lashes are vegan lashes made of the plant hemp fiber, which is a type of environmentally friendly lashes. Wearing hemp lashes is a good option for vegetarians, you can choose the lashes made of 100% plant fiber.
Hemp lashes are the newest lash type on the market, and why do we choose hemp to make lashes?
Hemp plant oil contains high protein, vitamins, and minerals, all of these properties are proven to the real hair growth. And hemp material can be acted as the substance to moisturize and nourish the hair.
Hemp lashes are 100% green and healthy, and the natural plant can make your lashes look fluffy and soft, with the super light for you comfortable to wear.
OK, that’s for all. Welcome to leave your comment below about the lash types, and see you next time, peach out!